Sunday, 20 April 2014

Leadership Blog: Post #3

~Leadership Update~

What have you done?
I haven't started on creating a music club but I decided to change my goal. I joined a group of my friends to make skits with. 
What do you plan on doing?
We plan on filming skits that have a good message or to promote a good cause.
Has it changed or evolved from your original idea?
I have changed my idea to making skits and join a group of people instead of working alone. 
Where do you expect to be by the end of May?
By the end of May, we expect to share at least one video to the whole school.

Friday, 18 April 2014

20) Random Acts of Kindness

Some random acts of kindness I have done are giving others snacks without them knowing, holding the door for other people, and donating books, clothes and old toys.
Acts of kindness that have happened to me include others letting me borrow their stuff, and friends treating me to food.
Since I haven't done many acts of kindess, I would like to follow other people's ways of being kind to others such as putting some money in an evelope and taping on the side of a vening machine and writing a note saying "snack's on me." 
I would also like to knit scarves, mittens and hats and donate it, contribute to a cause or gift it to a relative or friend.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

19) St. Patrick's Day

     St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was born on 385 AD in Britain. When he was 16, he was kidnapped and taken prisoner by Irish raiders and taken to Ireland. During his captivity, he prayed to God and had a dream where God told him to leave Ireland. He escaped to Britain and became a priest six years later. Later, an angel in a dream tells him to return to Ireland as a missionary. When he returned to Ireland, his mission was to teach Christianity to the Irish. To do so he mixed Irish traditions to his lessons. In thirty years, he converted many Christians and built monasteries, churches, and schools. He died on March 17, 460 A.D.

      St. Patrick's day is a day to celebrate St. Patrick's actions and Irish culture. It was originally a feast day and later became a celebration of the Irish culture. This celebration was chosen on the 17th of March because it was believed to be on the day of his death. Today, other countries around the world such as Japan, New Zealand, Argentina, Canada and the United States celebrate this day. 
     People around the world celebrate this day in many ways. The Irish take a day off work to celebrate. Some gather with their family and have a huge dinner. Catholics attend mass and offer prayers to missionaries. People symbolized the Irish culture by wearing green, read folklore, have a parade, eating Irish cuisine, and more.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

18) Confirmation Poem

Confirmation Day By L. Lapiz

Be with me my child,
Be with me my friend.
Walk with me in your lifetime
And your life will never end.
Be with me my servant
Be true to only me.
And I have given my word,
That I shall always be with you.
Receive me this day child,
I have waited long for you.
Receive me this day my servant
As you were meant to do.
It has been ordained before your time
That you would be here today
It has been set by the Father
That today you would receive me
The time is right, the moment is right
And I am received by you.
And forever I will never depart from you
It cannot ever be undone.
We are together forever more
Forged by Faith and fire
Never again to be separate
Ever to be joined together
Prepare my throne room
Where I shall dwell
Keep it pure and clean for your sake
Keep it pure and clean for my joy
This day, this moment, this hour
Will never be repeated again.
We are joined forever
As it was meant to be.
So live with me in Faith,
In love and service.
Never separate from me.
Do not stray.
Beware the snares,
Beware the trap,
Beware of the temptations.
Purity is our bond.
Faith is our strength.
And love is our armor.
Together we are life
Apart is only death.
Love me as I love you
And you will never be lost.
Love Me, serve Me, stay with Me.
Praise God

 L.Lapiz was a retired fireman. Special events in his life include visiting the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima and meeting Mother Theresa.

I can relate this to my confirmation because talks about what happens when I am confirmed. It talks about the bond with God being strengthened and how God will support you forever. Being faithful will also bring gifts such as love, strength and joy. This poem warns us about being aware of and staying away from traps and temptations. Also, God is telling us and giving us opportunities to do good deeds in the world and how much He loves us and wants us to stay with Him forever.

Monday, 17 February 2014

17) Gospel Reading

But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,
and from his roots a bud shall blossom.
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him:
a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
A Spirit of counsel and of strength,
a Spirit of knowledge and of fear of the LORD,
and his delight shall be the fear of the LORD.
Not by appearance shall he judge,
nor by hearsay shall he decide,
But he shall judge the poor with justice,
and decide aright for the land's afflicted
-Isaiah 11:1-4ab

I think this should be read at confirmation because it talks about what happens to the candidate once they are confirmed. It talks about the gifts of the holy spirit such as wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge and fear of the Lord. It also says that confirmation is about growing up to become a good person.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

16) Presents of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit can bring many gifts to our lives. It can give us wisdom, understanding and knowledge. The Holy spirit also helps us to do good deeds just because they're the right thing to. It can also give us strength and help us when we are very stressed out. 
My friend personifies the holy spirit because she does good deeds even if she doesn't get rewarded. For example, she answers my questions even when she's busy doing work. She is also a strong person who doesn't let words or stressful situations bring her down and she can be very encouraging. 

15) Symbols of Confirmation

Anointment with chrism

Anointment with chrism means that the confimation candidate has been sealed and strenghtened with the holy spirit. I can relate it to myself by finding things in my life that give me strength such as my friends and family giving me encouraging words. 

A Dove

A dove represents peace and symbolizes the holy spirit. I can relate it to myself by 
dealing with problems in a peaceful or non violent way. 

The laying on of hands

The laying on of hand symbolizes that the holy spirit looking over the candidate with power and blessing. I can relate that to myself by looking over one another, helping when someone needs it, or give someone strength to keep going. 

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Leadership Blog: Post #2

I like playing the violin because I get to play songs I know and love which I enjoy listening to. It's also relaxing because music helps you forget about your worries and it's a good way to spend time. I can connect it to my leadership goal by helping other students with reading music or band assessments. I could also organize a band session during recess for people who want to play or practice with their instruments.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

14) Letter and Response from God

I have some questions and things I wonder about for confirmation. I wonder what will happen after confirmation, if I will change after being confirmed and the meaning of confirmation. I think God would say that confirmation helps people realize what it means to be Catholic and what to do to create a bright future. It would also help you grow up and become a smart, responsible person. It could also help you reflect or change the way you think of yourself, what to do and your perspective of the world.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Leadership Blog: Post #1

1. Who is someone you admire, either in your life or in history, and what is the core virtue that you think they have followed?
I admire Martin Luther King Jr. because of his leadership and efforts to create peace with each other. I think the core virtue he follows is justice because he wanted us to treat others equally since we all have our rights.

2. What is one of your own virtues from the list and say a few words about how you try to live this virtue.
I try to live the virtue of gratitude by taking a moment to appreciate what I have such as good health, being surrounded with loving people and many opportunities. Books and quotes also help me realize the little things I have in life and things that are usually forgotten or ignored.

3. What is a virtue that you would like to work on, to improve in your life?
I would like to work on the virtue of courage because it can improve by life by helping me speak up or take action. Without courage, I would do nothing if I am afraid to do what is right or what I want to do. With courage, I can overcome the obstacle of over-thinking so I can take action without worrying about problems that didn't happen in the first place.
4. What are some ways you can show this virtue?
I can show the virtue of courage by participating in class by saying my thoughts and answering questions without worrying if I get the answer wrong. I can also gather up courage and talk to other people and be social.

5. How can I help you be successful in doing this?
Others can help me by overcoming the obstacle together and motivate or push me to do tasks. I can also think positively when I am afraid to do something so I won't worry and stress out and think to myself that I can do it.

13) Invitation and Acrostic Poem